You know what I mean. October vanished in the blink of an eye. November is starting like a runaway train. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it. Christmas will be right around the corner. The seasons are upon us! So it goes, every year without fail. What you need are some good common sense safety tips to help you get you through the seasons with a smile!
First, protect yourself. Criminals take advantage of this time of year. They count on you to be distracted and in a hurry. When your mind is on a hundred different things, you aren’t aware of your surroundings. You aren’t focused. In this state, you might as well leave your purse/wallet in the parking lot! Get yourself organized!
One very simple, but important and effective, thing to do is keep your head up. When walking through the parking lot going into the store or out, keep your head up and pay attention. That means putting your phone away. Have your keys in your hands.

Sounds simple right? To often, we forget. We focus on what we are going to do next rather then what we are doing right now.
This is what criminals are looking for. Criminals are lazy by nature! If they weren’t they would have jobs like you and me. They are looking for the easiest target. What makes an easy target? The person who is oblivious to what is going on around them. They have their head down, digging in the pocket or purse for keys. It’s the person with their head down, looking at their phone.
When you’re distracted, you aren’t paying attention to the person who came up to you suddenly. By that time, you’ve lost all ability and time to react. You just became the seasonal turkey!
Your best defense is to not become a target in the first place. Keep your head up and walk to or from your destination with purpose. Be prepared before you leave the safety of your location.
If you don’t look like easy prey, a criminal will look for someone else.
Make the seasons of the year great by keeping yourself safe!